Monday, 17 December 2018

8 Advantages Of Using Django and Python For Web Development

Python is preferred by many funded startups these days. If the budget is not a constraint, then the benefits are immense. In terms of ease of usability, Python is among the best in the business. Python Applications can scale well and it's great when you have hundreds of users accessing your applications at the same time. Here are few benefits of using Python for your Web development:-

Top 8 Advantages of Doing Python Web Development with Django

1. Python Has A Robust Stack Of Useful Frameworks And Modules.

Now, what else makes Python the mostly-preferred language of developers? Do you have a clue?
While using Python, you will get a robust stack of useful frameworks and modules. Woahh!! It's like a great deal of Python's flexibility that offers you so many useful web development environments wrapped together. Grab this mind-boggling offer and hire python developers.

2. Adhere To Low-Budget, Then Python Is Great Option For You.

Are you ultimately boiled down with your company's low-budget? If yes, then Python is an ideal technology for you. No matter how big or small your web-project is, & how quick you need to roll out it, Python serves you at its best.
Other than its robustness, Python's cost-effectiveness is another top reason which makes it a popular choice.

3. Django - A Higher-Level Web Framework That Every Business Needs.

Django is a higher level Python-based web framework which makes you speechless with its amazing features. It is an open-source framework that is strongly supported by a huge tech community that makes it secure. They regularly contribute to updating the Django resources.
Django is the main trump card that makes Python so much success. Here is why The Guardian, The New York Times, Pinterest, Instagram, and many other popular websites & services are using this heroic framework.

4. Django Joins Hands With SEOs.

Have you heard famous sayings, "Two swords cannot be contained in one sheath."? This perfectly suits in case of Web developers and SEOs as they both are not much familiar with working together. But this is not an issue when you are using Django.
Django not only supports human-readable URLs but also help you to increase your website ranking by adding keywords in your URL. With Django, your SEO team will surely be happy!

5. Well-Made Tutorials & Documentation.

Django gives you numerous benefits* like online support, quick start details and a detailed release-description. Hence, you will definitely face lesser issues as everything is well-made and planned here. Short & simple tutorials and documentation are the main USP of Django. Whenever requires, you can read those tutorials & descriptions.
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6. Spectacular Framework With Solid Administration Interface.

The biggest advantage of using Python is- Django which is a spectacular framework that comes with amazing features and functionalities. It also has a solid administrative interface that can be customized by its users. Moreover, it typically gives you a freedom to choose your desired functionality.

7. Django Comes With Scalability.

Scalability is an important feature in a software that we all look for. For seeing the future perceptive of a web product, it is very important that we can scale that product completely.
And yes, Django is also scalable!
Web developers prefer Django as it let them ultimately scale a web product thoroughly. So they can create a rich-featured, modern web app that can be modified or expand in future.

8. High-Performance Development Speed.

If you want to make a new app from scratch and time is your major concern then Django is the best web framework for you. Using Django, you can save your time by following a high-performance development speed. hire python developers
Hope this blog post will be helpful for you. To know more about latest technologies and updates, keep reading our blogs.

Friday, 5 October 2018

How to Start Your Android App Development Journey – 7 Basic Steps

top android app development companies

You may have an amazing app idea in your mind that you want to launch in market ASAP. Your stomach starts giggling when you think about its first download and reviews. But…wait, do you have any clue from where you should start?

Every successful business needs a lot of hard work, your android app development journey will also demand you the same. My aim of this write-up is to give you a definitive guide that let you bring closer to your dreamy android app. I am sure that this step-by-step guide will be helpful for beginners who want to start their own android application development company.

Before we start, visit the websites of top android app development companies and see profiles of top android developers. This quick-glance of their rich websites and portfolios of their top developers shall motivate you to perform bottle necked.

A Definitive Guide to learn how to start your Android App Development Journey- 7 Basic Steps

Android app development is not a cup of tea for all. In reality, only a self-entrusted person can keep a consistent excitement throughout the app development process. If you are interested to experience the roller-costar ride of android app development, then roll up your sleeves and follow these 7 basic steps (that I will mention below) to make your first android app.

Step#1 Learn Java.

Before developing your app, you will need to be a master in Java. So, your initial step to build your app on your own, would be – learn java.
Java is an essential programming language that is used to create mobile apps. You can find number of websites flooded with online tutorials claiming to learn Java quickly. So make up your mind and read those tutorials carefully.

Step#2 Setup JDK (Java Development Kit).

Always remember that to create an android app, you should already have JAVA installed on your computer. Other than that you need to download- Java Development Kit (i.e. JDK5 or JDK6).  Suppose you download JDK5. Now, this JDK5 will provide you the environment where you can interpret & compile the codes. To complete the JDK installation, initially you will need to do some settings like setting the PATH & JAVA_HOME etc. Do them carefully.

Step#3 Choose an IDE and download it.

Apart from setting up the JDK5, you will also need to download one another tool - Integrated Development Environment i.e. IDE. An IDE is the place where you will do all your coding. It also gives you suggestions, highlights the wrong codes and let you test your code conveniently. 

Few popular IDEs are Eclipse (this is the oldest IDE that can be used to develop both types of apps i.e. iOS apps and Android apps), Android Studio (most of the apps are built using this one), Basic4Android (one of my favorite as it is easy to use and beginners-friendly) etc. 

Step#4 Do the initial settings.

Suppose you have successfully downloaded Android Studio and came one-step closer to become an android developer. Now, open the Android Studio and configure the SDK Manager. Follow the instructions that come to your way. 

Step#5 Start your new project.

Once you have done with all downloads and initial settings, then the real thing will start. Go to the first page of Android studio, and you will find a bar to start your first android studio project. Name your app and set your company domain here. Together they will create a package that you will upload in your Google Play Store (in future). Avoid to give any type of funny name to your app. This will help you to let people take your app seriously. So always try to give a name that is worth to use. 

Step#6 Make the real thing.

Create a well-verve small mobile app with all your skills. You can start with a simply program flashing “Hello to everyone!” When you are done with your app, then open it. Now you will see all files and folders that are used to make your app along with a phone-picture displaying “Hello World!” (On the left side). Here, the big phone-picture is used to show the XML code. When you will click on it, then a tab will be opened in front of you, named as “activity_main.xml”. You can recall it, if you want to do any changes in the layout.

Step#7 Improve your app development skills.

I would be lying to you if I say that after following these six steps you would become one of top android developers and can start your own android app development company. You continuous need to work on your coding skills to create a fully-functional app. It will take time, but I am sure hard work and dedication will make it possible.


In today’s date, app market is booming at its best. It is the high-time to enter into the app market. Simply follow these basic steps to start your own android app development company and take the initiative to become one of the top android app development companies. Tell us about your app development journey by using the comment section below.

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Web development : How top web development company in USA works!!!

If you ever had a business idea struck you only to fizzle out in the end just because you have no idea how to bring your startup idea to the next level. Then you can think to bring your business online through the web or mobile applications. For this you get to know the idea related to the web development.
Web development term is also known as website development which usually refers to the building, creating and maintaining websites for hosting via intranet or internet. Web development contains various verticals like web content development, web design, client-side/ server-side scripting and web programming.

Phases of web development:


Firstly, a user needs the plan before starting any web development process which defines the scope and purpose of the website and the computing environment.


In the analysis phase, the user needs to make decision-related to the website content and the functionalities used in the development of a website. It includes the analysis of the content in detail.

•Design and Development: 

Once the purpose of the website is defined and analysis is done the user is ready to code and design the website.


Before execution of the website it should be tested at various stages of web design and development. This testing should include a review of the page, bugs, code functionality, and usability etc.

•Implementation and maintenance: 

Once the testing of website and all the required changes have been done then the user is ready to publish or upload the website to the web server.
After implementing the website its maintenance will be done on the daily basis i.e. removing the outdated content and putting the new one on the website.

These phases define the overall development of the website applications from start to till end.

Web development range is not defined from this, we can create plain text pages to complex web applications, social network applications like Facebook and e-commerce applications like Amazon.

The web technologies that relate to the interface between the web servers and clients are WordPress, Php, Python, Ruby on Rails etc and it vary on a company to the company that they serve services on which technology.

As Semidot Infotech, top web development company in USA have hands-on experience in developing WordPress websites, e-commerce websites, LMS websites and Blockchain websites and the technologies in which we are experts in WordPress, PHP, CMS development, Ruby on rails etc.